How Big Should a Chicken Nesting Box Be? Happy Hens Lay Here

Raising chickens is a rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most common questions I get from fellow chicken enthusiasts is about the size of the nesting box.

After all, a comfortable nesting box is essential for the well-being of your hens and the quality of the eggs they produce. Drawing from my personal experiences and insights, let’s delve into the world of chicken nesting boxes.

The Importance of the Right Size

Why does size matter?

If you’re new to chicken keeping, the significance of a nesting box’s size might not be immediately apparent. However, once you start finding eggs in unexpected places, you’ll quickly realize its importance. A nesting box that’s too small can make your hens uncomfortable, leading to stress and potentially affecting their egg-laying. On the other hand, a box that’s too large can invite multiple hens to crowd in, leading to broken eggs and disputes.

Standard Dimensions

For most chicken breeds, the average nesting box dimensions are 12 inches by 12 inches and 18 inches in depth. If you have larger breeds like the Jersey Giant, Brahma, or Cochin, you’ll need a slightly bigger box, roughly 14” by 14” and 20” in depth. Bantam varieties, which are smaller, require a box that’s about 12″ by 10″ and 10″ in depth. If you have a mixed flock, it’s wise to cater to the size of the largest hen to ensure everyone’s comfort.

Sharing the Nesting Box

How many hens per box?

The number of hens that can share a nesting box varies. While some chicken keepers recommend one nesting spot for every 4 to 5 birds, others suggest a ratio of 1 nest box for every 3 to 4 birds. It’s essential to provide enough space for all hens, regardless of their breed, to stand, stretch their wings, and lay eggs comfortably.

Observations from the Coop

In my experience, even if you provide multiple nesting boxes, hens often have a preference for one or two specific boxes. It’s amusing and slightly baffling to see a line of empty boxes and two hens trying to squeeze into one. This behavior underscores the importance of monitoring your flock and adjusting as needed.

Placement of the Nesting Boxes

Ground vs. Raised

The placement of the nesting boxes in the coop is crucial. Some prefer to place them directly on the ground, while others, like myself, believe in raising them a bit. From a hen’s perspective, the ideal nesting location should be dark, quiet, and private. Raised boxes tend to offer a more secluded spot compared to those on the ground. However, the final decision should be based on your coop’s design and your observations of the hens’ preferences.

Height Considerations

If you opt for raised boxes, they should be positioned at least 18” from the floor and can be as high as 24” to 48”. It’s essential to ensure that roosting poles are always higher than the boxes. This prevents the flock from roosting on the boxes, which can lead to dirty nests and, consequently, dirty eggs.

Materials for Nesting Boxes

Choosing the Right Bedding

The material you use inside the nesting box can significantly impact the comfort of your hens and the cleanliness of the eggs. Common bedding materials include:

  • Wood shavings: These are absorbent and provide a soft cushion for the hens.
  • Shredded paper: An eco-friendly option, especially if you have a lot of waste paper around.
  • Leaves: They can be a natural and comfortable choice, but ensure they are dry.
  • Grass clippings: A green choice, but be cautious if your lawn is treated with chemicals.

From my experience, pine shavings have been the most effective. They’re absorbent, easy to clean, and the hens seem to love them. However, it’s essential to change the bedding regularly, ideally every 1-2 weeks, to maintain hygiene.

Size Isn’t Everything

While we’ve emphasized the importance of size, it’s not the only factor to consider. The material from which the box is made, its location, and the bedding you use are equally crucial. A nesting box can be the perfect size, but if it’s made from uncomfortable material or placed in a noisy location, your hens might still avoid it.

Potential Problems and Solutions

Overcrowding in Large Boxes

A common misconception is that bigger is always better. However, a chicken nesting box can indeed be too big. Large boxes can invite multiple hens to crowd in, leading to disputes and broken eggs. If you notice this happening, consider adding dividers to larger boxes or providing more boxes of the recommended size.

Sleeping in the Nesting Box

Another issue I’ve encountered is hens sleeping in the nesting boxes. This is not ideal as hens tend to poop while they sleep, leading to dirty eggs. To prevent this, ensure that the roosting perches are more appealing than the nesting boxes. They should be higher and more comfortable. If hens continue to sleep in the boxes, consider temporary barriers during the night.

Personal Insights and Observations

The Social Dynamics of Chickens

Chickens, like humans, have their quirks and preferences. Over the years, I’ve noticed that even with multiple available boxes, hens often have a favorite. Sometimes, it’s the location of the box, and other times, it’s the material inside. Observing these dynamics can provide valuable insights into improving their environment.

Adjusting Based on Feedback

Your hens will give you feedback, not in words, but in behavior. If they’re not using the nesting boxes, there’s probably a reason. It could be the size, location, or even the presence of pests. Being observant and willing to make changes based on their behavior is the key to successful chicken keeping.


1. Can I use old blankets or clothes as bedding in the nesting boxes?

While old blankets or clothes might seem like a soft and comfortable option, they aren’t ideal for nesting boxes. They can retain moisture, leading to mold growth, and aren’t as easy to clean or replace as other materials like wood shavings or straw.

2. How often should I clean and sanitize the nesting boxes?

It’s advisable to clean out old bedding and replace it with fresh material every 1-2 weeks. A thorough sanitization of the boxes using a mild disinfectant should be done once a month to prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

3. Can I use multiple types of bedding materials in one nesting box?

Yes, you can mix different types of bedding materials to provide added comfort. For instance, a combination of wood shavings and dried leaves can offer both cushioning and a natural feel. However, ensure all materials used are safe and untreated with chemicals.

4. Do nesting boxes need a lid or cover?

While not mandatory, a lid or cover can provide added darkness and privacy, which many hens prefer. If you choose to add a lid, ensure it’s easy to lift or remove for cleaning and egg collection.

5. How can I encourage my hens to use the nesting boxes?

Placing a ceramic or fake egg in the nesting box can encourage hens to lay there. It gives them the idea that it’s a safe and suitable place for egg-laying.

6. Are there any materials I should avoid in nesting boxes?

Avoid using materials that retain moisture, like carpets or sponges, as they can promote bacterial growth. Also, steer clear of treated wood or materials with sharp edges that could harm the hens.

Final Words

Choosing the right nesting box size and material is just one aspect of chicken keeping. It’s a continuous journey of learning and adapting to the needs of your flock. By staying informed and observant, you can ensure a happy and productive environment for your feathered friends.